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4 Simple SEO tips for your blog images that you will thank me for
No. Am not really going to take you through something highly technical. Just simple techniques  you can employ and increase your chances of getting your blog images being found through searches. Before that, it makes it important to understand why you need to get your images right on your blog.

Here's a simple stat from my Webmasters login. The number of queries and impressions indicate how much potential images have in letting the world know about your blog and so focusing on very simple SEO can prove to be highly beneficial.

Simple SEO tips for images

1. Give your image file a relavant name

When you take a photo in your camera, notice how the images are given specific file names that carry absolutely no meaning ? Taking a minute to rename your image to carry a meaningful name will go a long way in ensuring your image gets an impression. Remember ! No one searches for IMG12456.jpg or 2012-09-08.jpg in Google. If your image is about a particular craft, rename the image to have appropriate keywords. Now, is that too difficult a task ?

Rename your image files appropriately

2. Give your image a suitable caption

Giving a caption to your images also help. Blogger makes it easy for you to give captions. Just click on the image, and click on add caption to give proper title for your image. Notice how the caption in the image below helped it get an impression based on the search string used ? If your file name fails you, the caption may help. 
Add a caption to your image

3. Use alternate text

Now, what happens if the browser is not supporting images ? What happens if the image fails to download ? What happens when the security settings prevent download of images ? This is where alternate texts or alt texts come in handy. In the place where the image should have been displayed, the alt text would appear enabling the user with intelligent information about the image. It also aids Google what the image is about.

Blogger allows you to add alt text from the compose tab. Click on the image and click on properties to add the alt text. In case your blog provider does not support this feature, you can Google and find how you can add "alt" text in the <img> tag.

Use Alt Texts

4. Resize your image

If your blog supports a width of only 600px, there is absolutely no point in uploading a bigger sized photo. Optimize your image dimensions to match the maximum dimensions supported by your blog. This will help in increasing the image load speed which is an advantage with Google.

These are only simple tips that require absolutely no technical know how. If you are technical enough to open a blog, and make regular posts, then you have enough information to execute all of the above tips to increase your chances of being found in Google image search. Do try it out the next time you make a post. Few extra minutes in getting your images right will definitely not hurt.

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